Today Physics students had a chance to travel to the PHS planetarium.
From the Helm
Keeping the Crew up to Date! Volume 2 Issue 8- 10/15/23
This week, on the morning announcements, I shared with the student body my disappointment and frustration about the fight from the week before. I let them know that I have requested several students not return. It is unfortunate that a few students have also painted a negative perception for our community. However, I reminded students that I love JMB, I love them, and I know that those students involved last week do not represent ALL of the students at JMB. I also explained that attending school at JMB means "Sailing the Clipper Way." Anyone who distracts from that will receive consequences or potentially be removed from the school. We will not tolerate behavior that creates safety concerns or is violent. I consider fighting an act of violence. I reminded students that if they have a conflict, we have social workers and counselors who can help navigate conflict with other students. If you, as a parent, know your student is struggling, please reach out. I have included the names and emails of our counselors, admin, and social workers.
As part of SU’s Alumni Homecoming tradition, celebrate the Fulton School of Liberal Arts, which plays a vital role in the academic experience of nearly every SU student
as home to the visual and performing arts, the humanities, and the social sciences
Yesterday, 11th grade students had the opportunity to take the ASVAB CEP. The ASVAB CEP is designed to help all students in 10th grade and above answer the burning question, "What job is right for me?" Planning for a bright future starts with career literacy. Career literacy is knowing facts about yourself and the world of work. It's what every student needs to make informed career decisions.
The Clipper Nation is happy to welcome Ms. Thompsen as JMB’s new Career Coach. Students, do you need help figuring out what careers you might be interested in, need help getting a job now or after you graduate, or want to discuss other options post-graduation? Schedule an appointment now and start charting your course to your future. See the link in your Class of Google Classroom to make an appointment.
If a student misses 5 or more unexcused days of school, their grades will be lost until they earn them back through attendance recovery. Attendance recovery takes place after school through the Step-Up program.
Students should follow these steps to attend Step-Up:
1. Register for the Step-Up Program here:
2. Sign up for each day you will participate by joining the Step-Up Google Classroom code: ZNKYWHM.
Step up is offered Monday - Thursday 3:00 - 4:30pm. An afterschool snack is served. Bus transportation home will be available in the near future, but at this time, students must have their own transportation home at 4:30pm.
Members of the JMB Garden club taking care of the Pollinator Garden next to JMB's outdoor classroom.
Reminder: Tomorrow is Blue and Orange day. JMB support the Delmar community. 💙🧡
In Destination Imagination (DI), K-12 students work together in teams to solve open-ended STEAM challenges designed to teach the creative process.
Have you ever thought about starting a DI team? Please join us for Try DI night.
Parents and their students will get to experience solving challenges, talk about starting a team, get connected with other students and parents who have done DI, and as an added bonus, there will be food.
Try DI Night: Monday October 23rd 6-8pm in the JMB Clipper Galley.
Have questions? Contact Laura LeBlanc or Antoinette Purnell
It's PSAT / ASVAB day! Gr 10 reports ontime and takes the PSAT. Some 9 and 11th grade students who signed up will also take the PSAT. Gr 11 has the opportunity to take ASVAB in person. All other other students have an asynchronous school day. -- see you classes Google Classroom. In person student dismissal is at 11:45 AM.
The D&D Club continued their journey last week. New adventurers have been recruited, and we now have two D&D games going simultaneously. One game is run by the advisor, Mr. Smith, while the other is run by new Game Master Cohen Blankensop, who is leading our members from last year on a Dungeons of the Mad Mage Adventure.
Chemistry students learning the process of saponification, or making soap. They delved into the historical journey of soap-making from ancient to modern times. Students analyzed the properties of self-made soap and its chemical constituents.
Please join us by wearing blue and orange this Thursday, 10/12 to show our support of Delmar Middle and High School and the entire Delmar community who suffered a tragic loss this weekend. This tragedy is one that JMB has known in the past, and we understand how difficult it can be. Delmar, we are sending love and support from the Clipper Ship! #ClippersChooseLove #DelmarStrong
Progress reports for term 1 are now posted on Family Portal at Find them in the "Published Reports" section.
Please take the time to review your students grades with them.
Term 1 ends on Tuesday November 7th.
Yesterday during flex, Dr. Gale-director of the UMES upward bound program- and her colleague Ms. Sampson came to speak to some of the freshmen flex classes to talk about what the program had to offer. Upward bound is a pre-college program funded by the Department of Education.
The next monthly meeting of the Wicomico County Board of Education is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10 in the Board of Education Auditorium at 101 Long Ave., Salisbury.
For the Oct. 10th meeting, the Board will convene at 1:00 p.m. and immediately vote to go into closed session. The open portion of the meeting will begin at about 1:30 p.m. The agenda for this meeting will be available by the Friday before the meeting on BoardDocs:
This meeting will be livestreamed on the Watch Board Meetings page of the school system’s website ( Meetings are viewable after they have ended and may be accessed in a variety of places, including BoardDocs, PAC 14, YouTube and the website of Wicomico County Public Schools.
Mrs. Bell's Environmental Science students are graphically depicting the History of Earth. #jmbscience
Whether you’re planning on college, a technical school, the military,or you’re just not sure yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can put you on the right path toward a satisfying career. Understanding your skills and interests will help you make the best decisions about your future.
ALL JMB juniors will have the opportunity to take the ASVAB on Wednesday October 11, 2023.
Every year James M. Bennett seniors compete with seniors from other county schools for the opportunity to serve as Senate Page in the Maryland State Legislature. It is a competitive process that carries with it a large amount of prestige and an opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Information and the application are in the Class of ’24 Google Classroom. If interested, please send the completed application to Mr. Tusing at by Wednesday, October 11th. Two James M. Bennett students will be chosen to proceed to the interview portion of the process. The interviews will take place on Tuesday, October 24th, at the Northgate complex (behind Lowe’s). Students will be given a specific time slot for the interview. Interviews must take place on that day, no adjustments for schedule conflicts are possible.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Tusing at the e-mail above.