Winter Sport Tryout Schedule.....
The freshman class is leading the SGA Food drive. But it is still an open contest to see which class can donate the most items.
Nonperishable food items can be dropped off in the boxes outside the School Store.
The next PTSA night will be held on Thursday November 16th from 4:00 - 6:00pm. The PTSA meeting will be at 5:30pm in the Clipper Galley. Teachers will be available for meetings in their classrooms.
At 5pm the JMB Guidance Department will hold a dual enrollment information session in the Clipper Galley. Parents of 10th and 11th grade students who are interested in dual enrollment next year should attend to learn about Dual Enrollment Offerings.
The school store will also be open, and the JMB Food Pantry will also be distributing food.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday November 16th.
During the month of November, the JMB NHS will be holding a pajama drive. Donate a pair of new pajamas that will help keep a member of our community warm this winter. Drop pajamas off to Mrs. Webster in G116.
The next JMB Food Pantry food distribution is Wednesday November 15 from 12:00 - 1:30pm at the E wing school entrance. Pull up and we will load up your car.
Attention Seniors. Salisbury University will be holding onsite admissions at JMB on Friday, November 17th. Interested students should sign up with Mr. Serig, or with their counselor. Spots are limited. Students must have a completed and submitted application to participate.
Seniors: Do you still need a yearbook formal photo? This is the last opportunity available to make this happen! Sessions will take place on Friday December 8, 2023 during periods 1 & 2 the Media Center at James M. Bennett High School. This is a complementary service provided by Jen Seay Seniors.
Register now:
Next monthly Wicomico Board of Education meeting will be 7 pm Tuesday, Nov. 14 in the Board of Education Auditorium, 101 Long Ave., Salisbury. Pre-registration for public comments required. Online pre-registration open through Monday, Nov. 13.
Coming up on Thursday, the Athletics Quarter Auction. Doors open at 6pm. Must be 18 years old to play.
UMES will be at JMB on November 14th doing on site admissions. Submit your UMES application and schedule your appointment with Mr. Dashiell in the Guidance office!
Reminder for students and families: Tuesday, Nov. 7 is the last day of the 1st marking term. Students will be dismissed 3 hours early. Report cards will come out on Nov. 14.
Boys Basketball Interest Meeting!!! If you can't make it, please see Coach Bubby or Coach Merv!
If you participated in the PSAT on October 11th, scores are available beginning today. You can access scores through the following methods:
1. If you opted into BigFuture School by providing a cell phone number, you can access scores through the mobile app.
2. Access scores online through student College Board account.
Tuesday November 7th will be a 3 hour early dismissal day, and the end of term 1.
The schedule is:
Period 1. 7:45 - 8:35
Period 2: 8:40 - 9:30
Period 3(Flex): 9:35 - 9:55
Period 4: 10:00 - 10:50
Period 5: 10:55 - 11:45
Student dismissal is at 11:45am.
No first period programs (ATEX, VPA, ROTC). CTE AM & PM and Schumacher operate as normal. A grab and go lunch will be available at dismissal.
The SGA will be holding a Thanksgiving Food Drive during the week of November 6th - 10th. Food collected in this drive will go to the JMB Food Bank, which is next distributing the food on November 15th and 16th.
The class (fr/so/jr/sr) which donates the most will recieve a reward. Donations can be dropped into your class's drop box outside the Clipper Galley.
Show your Thanks this season by Giving to support members of our JMB community!
As fall seasons wrap-up we look forward to winter sports beginning. Please see below for contact information and requirements to participate. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Mr. Sandlin or Ms. Rose ( and
Honors Chemistry students exploring the effects of temperature on the luminescence of glow sticks.
Families and staff: Reminder that Daylight Saving Time ends early on Sunday morning. Remember to set those clocks back an hour so you'll be on time for Sunday activities and school on Monday.
For students who are planning on taking semester 2 dual enrollment classes starting in January, registration for classes is starting soon:
November 6 - WorWic Community College
November 13 - Salisbury University
Students who need to register for dual enrollment classes should contact their guidance counselor (listed below) after the registration opening date. Need to learn more about Dual Enrollment? Come out to the Dual Enrollment Information Session on November 16th at 5:00pm in the JMB Clipper Galley.
10th –12th grade (A-D)
Krista Baker
10th-12th grade (E-J)
Brader Dashiell
10th-12th grade (K-Q)
Jesse Serig
10th-12th grade (R-Z )
Lydia Rosa
Enter the Bullying Prevention Poster Contest.
email your entry to Mrs. Bowers, or drop it off in E212.