Honors Chemistry Students using silver–ammonia complex ions with dextrose inside a glass ornament ball. The process “reflects” the way silver mirrors are actually produced!
Winter break begins in one week. Today is candy cane day. Wear red and white and be on the lookout for some candy canes.
The JMB Food Pantry will have it's next drive thru food distribution on Wednesday December 13th from noon - 1:30PM at the E wing doors. Just pull up and we will load your car.
IMPORTANT Baseball Meeting Info...
This Wednesday December 13th, JMB Boys Basketball takes on Parkside at JMB. JV 4:30, Varisty 6:30pm.
Last Friday's home basketball game sold out. When the tickets go live around noon tuesday for our home game against Parkside on Wednesday, be sure to get your ticket(s) early on Go Fan. We want to see everyone at the game, but if we sell out and you don't have a ticket, you will be turned away.
Get Tickets here: https://gofan.co/app/school/MD22643
The countdown to winter break continues today with 2 Turtle Doves Tuesday -- that means twin day. Find your twin and dress alike.
The Class of 2027 SGA is having its first fundraiser. We will be selling Holiday Grams during Lunch shifts on Dec. 11-14th for $1. The gram will include a note from the student purchasing and it will be attached to a bag of Hershey kisses. All grams will be delivered Friday December 15th during Flex.
From the Helm
Keeping the Crew up to Date!
Volume 2 Issue 16- 12/10/23
Check out the From the Helm newsletter: https://www.smore.com/csd5x
We continue the 12 Days Before Winter Break school spirit days this week. Be sure to check out the days and themes below. This week also brings progress report grades. Teachers will submit grades on Monday, and progress reports will go live on Wednesday.
This will be the last parent message of the 2023 calendar year. My next official message will be on January 7th. Please review the newsletter for all the events happening up through January 7th.
Clipper Families, I hope you have a wonderful winter break!
Principal Savage
Check out the From the Helm newsletter: https://www.smore.com/csd5x
The Just French Kids French Club will host an interest meeting on Wednesday, December 13th from 3:00-4:00 in F208. All students who speak French, are learning French, or are interested in French or Francophone culture are invited to attend.
Remember, Monday. Clash of the Carolers.
Monday makes 7 days until winter break. It is the Clash of the Carolers. Each class will wear a different color to mark the day. Seniors: Green, Juniors Red, Sophomores Blue, Freshman White, Staff: Silver and Gold.
To wrap up Computer Science Education week, why not take a Computer Science class next year? Here is what WCPS offers:
Today JMB students interested in careers in Real Estate were able to meet Branden Hudson, Director of Agent Success and Recruitment at the Maryland and Delaware Group of Long and Foster.
Honors chemistry students making ornaments using Borax crystals.
Eight more wake-ups until winter break. Friday is Flannel Day!
It's Thursday of Computer Science Education Week. Today, we explore Large Language Models. A language model is a machine learning model that aims to predict and generate plausible language. Autocomplete is a language model, for example. ChatGPT and Google Bard are common examples.
These models work by estimating the probability of a token or sequence of tokens occurring within a longer sequence of tokens. Consider the following sentence:
When I hear rain on my roof, I _______ in my kitchen.
What goes in the blank?
Today, JMB students had the opportunity to write cards of thanks to staff, and staff wrote cards to students. Here are some students filling out cards at lunch.
Thursday will be 9 school days until winter break. The theme day is Snowed in. Come dressed in your warmest snow gear!
The Class of 2027 SGA is having its first fundraiser. We will be selling Holiday Grams during Lunch shifts on Dec. 11-14th for $1. The gram will include a note from the student purchasing and it will be attached to a bag of Hershey kisses. All grams will be delivered Friday December 15th during Flex.
The JMB Food Pantry will have it's next drive thru food distribution on Wednesday December 13th from noon - 1:30PM at the E wing doors. Just pull up and we will load your car.