From the Helm
Keeping the Crew up to Date!
Volume 2 Issue 14- 11/26/23
Be sure to check out the full weekly message From the Helm:
I hope you enjoyed some time with your children over Thanksgiving Break. As we return from break, things get busy after school with winter sports action and fine arts performances. Please review the weekly bulletin and come out to enjoy our students in action. Speaking of our students in action, we had 264 students participate in fall sports. All 264 had a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to participate, but 187 had a 3.25 or better, earning them a Minds in Motion Scholar-Athlete Award. Impressive JMB!
Speaking of grades, this is a reminder that if your students needs to recover absences to earn back grades, they need to complete that before December 1st. To recover grades, students must sign up for Step-Up. I also recommend that any 9th grader who has earned a failing grade in a core class stay for Step-Up to help ensure they pass term 2.
Parents and guardians of seniors, to stay current, check out the Senior section in the newsletter specifically for senior information. The most important for seniors now is ensuring they get a senior picture taken and submitted to the school. Otherwise, they will not appear in the yearbook. Seniors also need to remember that teachers and guidance are off during the winter break, so for any college deadlines that fall between December 20th and January 5th, the deadline to notify counselors for submission is December 6th. If you decide to wait, it could mean you will not get your college of choice.
Principal Savage
Be sure to check out the full weekly message From the Helm: