Check out the full message From the Helm:
You may or may not be aware, but on Friday, we had an incident involving several students in an altercation. We requested additional support from local law enforcement to help secure the hallways and ensure safety. Though we want to avoid being in a situation where we need to call, it feels good to know that their response time was fast, and several officers came to assist.
Once we separated the students involved in the altercation, there was no additional concern for safety. I do encourage you to talk to your student about not rushing to see a fight. Rushing to see an altercation could add to the safety concern for staff helping with the incident and your student's safety.
We are working with law enforcement and safe schools to ensure proper consequences for those involved in the altercation. In addition, students who added to the safety concerns around the altercation will also receive consequences.
We are officially in the second half of the first term. If you have not reviewed your student's grades, please review them in the family portal. Directions are outlined below.
If a student misses 5 or more unexcused days, their grades will turn to E's until they earn them back through attendance recovery. Attendance recovery will take place after school through the Step-Up program. Link to Form:
On Wednesday, October 11th, we will be administering the PSAT to all 10th graders and any 9th or 11th grade students who signed up and paid to take the PSAT. Additionally, all 11th grade students will have the opportunity to take the ASVAB assessment. All other 9th and 12th grade students remain home that day and will complete asynchronous work at home through their Google Classrooms. This asynchronous work will be utilized for attendance purposes for any student not taking the PSAT or ASVAB. Students taking the PSAT and ASVAB test that day will be exempt from asynchronous assignments. If your student has difficulty accessing the internet, please have them request a paper copy of the assignment from their teacher. The school day will begin at the regular time of 7:45 for test takers, and bus transportation will run on its normal schedule in the morning for these students. Please make sure all testers bring your school issued laptop, fully charged, and charger. All test takers will be released after receiving a bagged lunch, and bus transportation will be available approximately at 11:45 with a second bus run at the end of the normal school day. If a student is a car rider and wishes to leave at the end of the test, which will be approximately 11:00, they may do so.
We are struggling with students attempting to vape in the restrooms. Please talk with your student about the risks of vaping and the dangers of sharing a vape belonging to someone else. This year, as part of the updated code of conduct, students can be suspended for vaping even if it is a tobacco-type vape.
Parents and guardians of seniors. To stay up to date, check out the Senior section in the newsletter specifically for Seniors.
Principal Savage
Check out the full message From the Helm: