Unified Strength & Conditioning
Recent News
Unified Strength and Conditioning state competition results February 22, 2023
The Unified Strength and Conditioning team won 3rd place and a bronze medal in their division at the state competition held yesterday. The team placed in the top 3 in all the events they entered. Congratulations to Mercedes Pope, Beruk Debebe, Sadie Wilkins, Alex Arelllano Mondragon, Justin Oppel, Alexis Salas, Jackson Wilhite, Mason Reynolds, Kelsi Harris, Riley Matthews, Morgan Neall, Madison Price, and Camille McLaughlin for your hard work yesterday and other team members Andi Jennings and Tony Sebach for your contributions over the season.
Unified strength and January 25, 2023
Unified strength and conditioning team took first in the district 11 tournament! Let's go Clippers!
Unified Strength and Conditioning meet results January 18, 2023
At yesterday's Unified Strength and Conditioning competition JMB placed in 7 of the 9 events. Those earning 1st place in their event include Justin Oppel and Alex Arellano-Mondragon in dead lift, Tony Sebach and Kelsi Harris in jump rope, Beruk Debebe and Mercedes Pope in cycling, Tony Sebach and Sadie Wilkins in shuttle run, Beruk Debebe and Mason Reynolds in race walk and Tony Sebach and Riley Matthews in PT Series. Justin Oppel and Jackson Wilhite also earned 2nd place in bench press. Next Tuesday is our last home match of the season. Come out to see what Unified sports are all about.
Unified Strength and Conditioning November 7, 2022
For any student interested in participating in Unified Strength and Conditioning this winter we will have an interest meeting after school on Thursday November 17th 3:00-3:30 in D102. Come see what Unified Strength and Conditioning is all about.
Unified Strength and Conditioning interest meeting November 4, 2022
For any student interested in participating in Unified Strength and Conditioning this winter we will have an interest meeting after school on Thursday November 17th 3:00-3:30 in D102. Come see what Unified Strength and Conditioning all is about.